PT. GAMMA BUANA PERSADA was estabished in
the year of 1999 in executing its services, PT. Gamma Buanna Persada conduct
Training Services, Consultant Services, Inspection Services (Welding Inspection
Corrosion Inspection and Oilfield Inspection / OCTG), Destructive Test and non
Destructive Test, Certification Services (for example : Boiler, Pressure
VEssel, Storage Tank, Safety Valve to Department Tenaga Kerja or DIrektorat
Jendral MInyak dan Gas Bumi - RI). We also provide Welding Engineering Services
such as making of Procedure Specification of Welding (WPS / PQR), Certification
or Qualification Welder, Welding operator, Set and Optimize Variable and Supply
Qualified Welder for all process of common welding method (GTAW, FCAW, SAW,
jobs openings
Minimum Requirement :
- Memiliki SIM A dan berpengalaman minimal 3
- Minimal Lulusan SMA
Minimum Requirement :
- Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
- Umur 20 - 25 Tahun
- Minimal Lulusan SMA
- Bersedia ditempatkan diluar Jakarta
- Bersedia komitmen dengan kontrak kerja
jangka waktu tertentu
let's join our PT Gamma Buana Persada (Sava
group). If you are interested in
Jobs please send your
application, C.V, recent photo and a copy of your diploma through the email below. ( HR &
Recruitment )
Perkantoran Pulomas Blok V/5, Jl Perintis
Kemerdekaan, Jakarta 13260 Indonesia
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